Pernah dengar kalo tidak boleh menyalakan handphone ataupun melakukan panggilan di pom bensin atau SPBU ?? Mari kita lihat mengapa ...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Kenapa Tidak Boleh Menelpon di Pom Bensin ?
Posted by sport at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Converse Home
Who is interested may click the link to Converse website to have a look there.
The Converse web page is great!
It has a very nice interface.
I always get the latest news from the website.
This picture is to show the web page interface.
Posted by sport at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
inilah pemuda harapan negara, meski tak sekuat hercules, tak setangguh super hero (batma, supeman, spiderman, dan man-man lainnya, he…he..), dan juga tak sepintar albert eistein, tapi mereka mampu menciptakan sesutu yang sangat berguna bagi peradaban umat manusia, berikut penemuan penemuan mereka yang aku anggap sangat berguna bagi umat manusia, terutama mengenai teknologi internet.
1. Larry Page dan Sergey Brin Menemukan Google pada tahun 1998 ketika mereka baru berusia 24 tahun. Mulai di dalam garasi yang menjadi “kantor” pertama mereka, dua orang ini mengilhami ribuan anak muda untuk mencari uang online. Larry dan Sergey kemudian menciptakan perusahaan senilai satu multi milyar dollar yang mengguncangkan Internet.
2. Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg, mahasiswa universitas Harvard yang menemukan Facebook sebagai satu platform jaringan sosial bagi remaja di perguruan tinggi ketika dia baru berusia 19 tahun. Facebook kini merupakan situs web jaringan sosial terbesar kedua setelah MySpace. Facebook terus tumbuh hari demi hari, dengan jutaan pengguna baru yang terus mendaftar setiap bulan!
3. steven chen dan chad hurley Para pencipta dari situs web “berbagi video online”, YouTube. Mereka mendirikan YouTube pada 2005 ketika Chad berusia 28 tahun dan Steve 27 tahun. YouTube kemudian diakuisisi oleh Google dengan nilai $1.65 milyar.
4. jerry yang dan david filo Di tahun 1995 kedua orang ini menemukan Yahoo!, mesin pencari yang merupakan saingan terdekat Google. Jerry berusia 26 tahun dan David Filo 28 tahun ketika mereka menciptakan Yahoo! Kedua orang ini sekarang mungkin lagi hangat-hangatnya dibicarakan orang-orang, setelah Microsoft meluncurkan tawaran senilai US$44.6 milyar untuk mengambil alih Yahoo!
5. Matt Mullenweg baru berusia 19 tahun ketika ia menciptakan platform blogging yang kini dipakai dimana-mana. Ia mendirikan platform blogging WordPress pada tahun 2005, dan sejak itu blogosphere pun mulai berevolusi. Orang-orang mulai berpindah dari MovableType dan platform lainnya ke WordPress, karena platform baru ini memang mudah dipakai dan selalu diperbaharui dan terus meningkat. tom andreson Menciptakan jaringan sosial #1 di dunia dengan lebih dari 100 juta pengguna.
6. Tom Anderson mendirikan MySpace di tahun 2004 ketika ia baru berusia 23 tahun. Dia mungkin tidak sekaya Mark Zuckerberg, tapi ia tercatat sebagai pendiri dari jaringan sosial yang dipakai paling luas di Internet.
7. Blake Ross mendirikan Mozilla ketika dia baru berusia 19 tahun. Sejak itu, Mozilla tumbuh sangat pesat, menggoda pengguna Internet untuk memakai penjelajah Firefox Mozilla mereka sendiri, yang terbukti memang lebih mudah dioperasikan dibandingkan kebanyakan aplikasi penjelajah web lainnya.
8. pierre omidyarPada tahun 1995 ketika ia baru berusia 28 tahun, Pierre Omidyar mendirikan eBay, lelangan online sedunia. Sejak itu, banyak orang-orang menghargai penemuannya, sehingga mendorong eBay menjadi platform dunia.
*dari berbagai sumber
Posted by sport at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: News
Friday, February 20, 2009
Report: 5,585 sex offenders purged from Facebook
Facebook has removed 5,585 registered sex offenders from its service since May, the Associated Press reported late Thursday.
The tally comes from a joint announcement of two state attorneys general who have made online safety a priority, North Carolina's Roy Cooper and Connecticut's Richard Blumenthal.
This follows several years of back and forth between major social networks and state authorities who have insisted the sites aren't doing enough to keep sex offenders out of their ranks. It's a significant issue, considering social networks' popularity with anyone who's hit adolescence.
Earlier this month, the News Corp.-owned social network MySpace announced that it had removed 90,000 sex offenders' profiles since 2007. Considering Facebook is now bigger than MySpace, the 5,585 seems a little low. But Chris Kelly, Facebook's chief privacy officer, told the AP that the social network's requirement that members use a real name rather than a nickname may have deterred sex offenders from membership in the first place.
Facebook representatives were not immediately available for comment on Friday.
Posted by sport at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Create a Realistic Torn Paper Effect in Photoshop
Torn paper is one of the key elements to achieving the distressed / collage look. This tutorial covers a few simple steps in Adobe Photoshop
Start with your blank document in Adobe Photoshop, use the Lasso Tool freehand to create the outline of the torn edge and continue the selection across the lower half of the document.
Select an appropriate colour for your paper and fill the selection on a new layer.
With the Lasso Tool still selected, Right Click (CMD-Click) on the mask and select Make Work Path from the menu. Change the tolerance to 1px to keep the path close to the original mask.
Select a brush shown above from the Brush Tool Menu, depending on the size of your document you may require a larger/smaller brush.
Head over to the Brush Options window, change the Shape Dynamics settings as show to create a fibrous stroke. For more information on the Brush Options window take a look at my previous Photoshop Brush Tip.
Back with the Pen Tool or Path Selection Tool Right Click (CMD-Click) the path and select Stroke Path from the menu. Ensure the Tool is selected as Brush from the drop down and Simulate Pressure is off. Repeat this again if necessary to produce a realistic amount of stray fibres from the edge of the paper.
Paper is often made up of several layers which can become exposed when torn, to make the torn paper effect realistic create a another freehand selection using the Lasso Tool.
Fill this selection in a much lighter tint than the first colour on a new layer.
Make this the new Work Path by Right Clicking (CMD-Click) with the Lasso Tool.
Your brush settings should still be in place and appropriate colour selected, go ahead and Stroke the Path using the Brush option to produce more fibrous particles.
This produces the basics of the torn paper, but paper is more than jus a block of flat colour. To make it more realistic we need subtle texture and creases.
Download a Paper Texture from a stock photography website
Paste the texture into you document and desaturate (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate) to remove the brown colouring.
Change the blending mode to Multiply to render the light areas of the image transparent.
The texture is way too overpowering so adjust the Brightness and Contrast (Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast) to tone down the effect.
Move the layer around to find an interesting section with plenty of creases and texture.
Delete the unwanted areas from the texture by selecting your lighter coloured paper layer, go to Select > Load Selection.
Inverse the selection (CTRL/CMD + Shift + I) and delete the selection from the texture layer.
Merge your layers and add the new paper texture to your designs, notice the tiny fibrous edges and subtle texture up close which together give effect a realistic paper look.
Posted by sport at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: News
Trim an image, the easy way
Let’s say you have an image with useless space all around the subject, and you’d like to trim it to get only what you need:
Simply choose Image > Trim.
In the dialog box, choose either Transparent pixels if your image have a transparent background, or Top Left / Bottom Right Pixel Color if your image, like this exemple, have a color background.
And here is the result!
Posted by sport at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: News
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My first collection
This is my first collection of Converse bag.
I bougth it from Genting Highland about 2 years ago and it is limited edition !
I never saw the others in MMU. So, i feel very proud of it . Ngek Ngek:p
Haha...i like it very much because its quite big and i can put everythings inside.
Posted by sport at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: my collection